Business Protection

Business protection is crucial for ensuring the resilience and stability of a company.

Looking for Busines Protection?

Relevant Life Cover

Relevant Life Cover is a type of death in service benefit which is set up and paid for by a company but pays out to a directors/staff members beneficiary on death or in the event they are diagnosed with a terminal illness. Relevant Life premiums can be treated as a business expense which reduces a company’s corporation tax liability and is much more tax efficient than paying for Life Cover from your personal earnings post tax deductions.

Executive Income Protection

Executive Income Protection is a tax efficient, specialised insurance policy that provides self-employed individuals, directors, and business owners with replacement income in the event of illness or injury, ensuring continued financial stability during periods of incapacity.

Key Person Cover

Key person cover is a tax-deductible business protection policy that financially protects a company against the potential loss of a crucial employee, often covering costs associated with recruitment, training, and loss of profits in the event of that key person's death or illness.

Shareholder Protection

Shareholder protection is a business insurance arrangement that provides funds to enable the remaining shareholders or the company to buy the shares of a deceased or critically ill shareholder, ensuring a smooth transition of ownership and financial stability for the business.

Loan Protection

Business Loan protection is an insurance policy that safeguards a company's financial stability by covering outstanding business loans in the event of a key individual's death or critical illness, ensuring the continuity of operations, and protecting against potential financial strain.